“The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchildren may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?”

Sir David Attenborough

I don’t think there is anything more calming than sitting with elephants out on the open plain. It’s a chance to put the camera down and listen to them kick at grass roots to loosen them, pull the grass up with their trunks and gently munch their food. You can hear low grumbles as they communicate to each other, and the occasional tummy rumble too. If you’re lucky, swallows are circling around them, taking easy pickings of bugs that are disturbed from the grass. The herd will interact, whether it’s a baby trying to control its trunk and feed from mum, or other members greeting each other.

I often feel a little overwhelmed with elephants, trying to reflect their size or the bond between them in a photo. Hopefully some of the photos below do them justice.


Leopards of the Masai Mara


Lions of the Masai Mara