““Owl” said Rabbit shortly, “you and I have brains. The others have fluff. If there is any thinking to be done in this Forest…you and I must do it”

A.A. Milne

I’ve always loved owls, but it wasn’t until late 2020 that I actually started to spend time photographing them. Since then I have spent many, many hours with them, with many very early starts!

Whilst I enjoy all five owl species we get here in the UK, the agility of the short eared owl, the presence of the long eared, the inquisitive nature of the little owl and the secrecy of the tawny, it is the barn owl that is my favourite.

I love how the light gets captured in their pale wings, how they can silently pass you without warning, how they stop and hover and then fearlessly plunge to the ground in search of food. There is also a fragility about them, especially as they struggle in wet and windy conditions in a country that is often wet and windy!


B&W images of the Masai Mara


Other Birds of the UK